Friday, September 23, 2011

Inara on the Road

Before we left the U.S Inara had been to six different states: Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Illinois (If you count our landing in Chicago). Here are some pictures of us being on the road and visiting with family. We almost started feeling like fugitives after a while; laying our heads wherever there was a pillow, never unpacking and always eating in the car. We also had a lot of fun and it was definitely worth being able to see everyone.

Uncle Rhett showing us how to cut baby finger nails.

Inara and grandpa Barney

Inara and Andrew's aunt Janet

Inara and me at the Shoshone-Bannock tribe pawwow

Inara and grandparents Kartchner

Us with Andrew's cousin and kids

Inara with Andrew's aunt Marie

Inara and Ed

Me and Inara with Andrew's grandpa Vance

Inara and Lindsay

Andrew's aunt Margo who made me a Swedish birthday cake!

Inara's first mary-go-round ride

With Andrew's aunt Annie and Lamont

At Mount Borah

Inara sleeping through Old Faithful in Yellowstone

Heather in Yellowstone






1 comment:

  1. Jisses vilken resa! Jag blir helt impad att ni gjorde det med en nyfödd.

    Kul med så många inlägg på bloggen! Och kul med alla bilder på underbara Inara!

    Puss puss puss
