Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family Pictures

Not much to report today other than that I tried to put Inara down for a real nap in her own bed (she normally naps in the Baby Bjorn during the day). It worked out poorly and she decided to stay awake all day and get really fussy at night as revenge. On the other hand she slept a record 11 hours without waking up last night, so I shouldn't complain too much. Anyone have any advice on establishing a nap time routine?

When we were visiting family in Idaho a couple of months ago, we went to Brittney's (sister-in-law) family cabin in Island Park (near Yellowstone National Park). We had a ton of fun with the Kartchner side and Brittney's sister took some awesome family pictures. I thought I would share some favorites.


Inara with cousins Summer and Claire

Brittney and Rhett (Andrew's brother) in the foreground

Blake (Andrew's brother), C.J., Mark, Claire, Morgan and Matt

The girls

Holly and Mark (Andrew's parents)


  1. Most I had not seen before! You'll work out the nap time thing.

  2. I hope so! Part of it is that I don't want to tempt faith and somehow ruin her night time sleep routine...
