Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First of Many

It's official! Our little lady is now a full year old. Like most parents, we're in awe at how fast time has went by. It's hard to imagine that the little, screaming bundle we received a year ago is the same person that was able to open her own birthday gifts and put spoon fulls of cupcake into her mouth. We had a small party for her in my mom's yard and invited just our closest Swedish relatives. It was a beautiful (somewhat cold) day with lots of sweets, presents and games. 

Happy Birthday!

My dad and Inara

Greeting my cousin and aunt

Cousin Cajsa

Cousin Rita and aunt Anita

Birthday Girl

Digging in on her cupcake

Sharing is caring

We let her eat it however she wanted, but she insisted on using a spoon. I guess that's just how she was raised.

Opening presents

This truck from my aunt was a favorite.

Birthday kisses

Kissing her new frog piggy bank.

With cousin Rita

I recommend giving all toddlers hammers.

Setting up some games.

We had a great time and although Inara wont remember, I hope she'll look at the pictures some time and think about how happy we all were to be there on her special day.


  1. This looks like so much fun. I like the picture where she looks a little grumpy. Makes her look more like Andrew. Wish our kids were there to cause some mayhem.

  2. Very beautiful setup and the sweets look scrumptious. Inara gets cuter everyday. Can't believe its been year.

  3. Thanks Dallin! It would have been great had you all been able to be here. Maybe next year? Thanks for checking the blog out!

  4. So happy for blog. Inara is so lucky to have so many loving, caring family members around for the first year.

  5. And thanks anonymous, whoever you may be!

  6. Looks like she made a haul on the gifts !

  7. Vilket fint kalas och vilka fina bilder ni tagit! Förresten så kommer Mummi ihåg sin ettårsdag, så det kan ju faktiskt hända att hon kommer ihåg!

    Puss puss

  8. en grej till:
    Va fin bloggen är nu!

  9. Ännu en grej till:
    Tack för att du bort ordverifierings grejen <3

  10. Lyle, yes, she made out pretty well!

  11. Moa, tack och tack och varsagod! Kommer han verkligen ihag? Det ar ju fantastiskt! Sjalv minns jag nog inte mycket innan fyra ars aldern. Kram
