Thursday, December 15, 2011

Inara's First Christmas Present

Which turns out was the wrapping paper.  The contents of said wrapping paper, less important.  Here is a movie of Inara "opening" her first present of the season from Grandma K:


  1. But..but it's not Christmas yet!

  2. The package instructed immediacy in the opening.

  3. Hi, guys!
    First time posting here. I can't believe Inara can sit up now, and can open presents. By the way, how come she's having an early Xmas? We miss you guys this Christmas. No more game night. ---Annie

  4. Annie, glad you're checking the blog! We can hardly believe how fast she's growing either. She got to open one gift from her grandparents early because it was a pajamas she was going to outgrow soon. Miss you guys too! How are you doing? Are you celebrating Christmas in WA?

  5. Merry Christmas, I have enjoyed the videos, it makes her seem more realisic than just snap shots. A little snow here but not much. Connie anad Melissa and their families had Christmas dinner with us, Really enjoyed the day.
